Effect of Guided Inquiry-Based Learning Integrated with Enterprise Education on the Entrepreneurial Competencies of Middle School Students
Guided inquiry-based learning, enterprise education, entrepreneurial competencies, science educationAbstract
This research was designed to examine the effect of guided inquiry-based learning (GIBL) integrated with enterprise education entrepreneurial competencies (perseverance, creativity, professionalism) on the part of 74 eighth grade Turkish students. A quasi-experimental design was used for conducting this research. The intervention process was carried out during the teaching of the eighth grade “liquid and solid pressure” unit. The current teaching curriculum was applied to the control group students. The GIBL approach integrated with enterprise education was applied to the experimental group students over a five week period. The research data were collected through the use of an instrument entitled the “Entrepreneurship Skills Scale”. Independent samples t-test, paired sample t-test, and a one-way ANCOVA test were used to analyze the research data. As a result, it was determined that GIBL integrated with enterprise education, had a positive effect on the general entrepreneurial competencies of the students. It was also found that the GIBL integrated with enterprise education had a positive effect in the professionalism sub-dimension of the experimental group. However, it was found that the GIBL integrated with enterprise education had no effect on the creativity and perseverance sub-dimensions of the experimental group. In future research, researchers can examine the impact of the GIBL integrated with enterprise education on different entrepreneurial competencies in a science course.
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