Exploring the Dynamics of Artificial Intelligence in Higher Education



higher education, artificial intelligence, teaching and learning


This position paper explored the current state of artificial intelligence (AI) tools, educator support and opposition to AI tools in teaching and learning, and the ethical and social implications of AI tools in higher education. As technology emerges in the educational community, educators must have a voice in how AI looks in the classroom. This paper addresses support and opposition to a need for more studies on student experiences with AI tools, such as personalized learning platforms and intelligent tutoring systems. Educational technology has acknowledged that social and ethical implications exist. However, this position paper acknowledges the need for being inclusive in framing technology and AI tools across less developed countries, emerging economies, and developed countries. This inclusion of diverse experiences impacts how AI perceives and generates new content. The practical applications of AI in future studies should explore how best to implement AI tools while advancing knowledge and maintaining academic integrity in becoming more technologically literate citizens.

Author Biography

  • Adronisha T. Frazier, Northshore Technical Community College

    I am an Assistant Professor of Biology and the Natural Sciences Department Chair at Northshore Technical Community College.


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Exploring the Impact of AI on Best Practices for Higher Education Online Teaching and Learning